
Get to Your Next Level...FAST!

This is what happens when we work together:

 You'll 2x, 3x or even 10x your business. 
 We'll problem-solve and implement, fast!

 You'll leap over hurdles that would've previously tripped you up.

 You'll own your brilliance.

 You'll effortlessly close deals when opportunities arise.

 You can afford a slow season without panicking. You got this!

Hi, I’m Maria!

I’m not one of your laptop business coaches who’ve done a six-week online course, had one or two successful months, and call themselves a business consultant.
I’ve helped over 1000 organizations and entrepreneurs ditch the distractions, simplify their systems and more than double their money. 

Companies like Disney, Hewlett Packard, TSMC and Jo Malone

Some of Maria’s Client Wins include -

$60K in 3 weeks after having no qualified leads for a psychotherapist
$27K record breaking month for an intuitive love coach
Surpassed husband’s income within the first 60 days of working together

$50K raised to produce an indie shortfilm that was featured in international film festivals
$250K in annual revenue after being on government subsidy, and almost giving up on an educational consulting company
turned around a $700K business loss in less than a year 
$1M funds raised for a start-up company 

Imagine the relief knowing HOW you get to YOUR next level.

 You're dialed into your inner-compass, and effortlessly get rid of the busy work that keep you distracted from taking action on the BIG 'needle-movers'. 

 You easily give yourself the grace to feel vulnerable and supported as you shed your old beliefs and habits by making 'tough' decisions 

 You feel confident knowing that you have someone who not only looks out for your best interest, but also knows business inside-out.

Maria makes magic! Here’s proof -

Maria Kathlyn Tan has been the catalyst and guide that helped me transform my business and life and taught me how to not only dream, but take strategic action toward making my dreams reality!

Christine Van Tonder

Maria is great at finding gems in yourself and helping to plant those in your business. Having a telescopic lens in business, she has practical ways to build or scale up strategically.

I hired Maria as a coach after I was stuck with life and stagnant in my business for 5 years. She taught me how to see my big huge goals clearly. She broke down those seemingly impossible goals into a set of mini goals, and suddenly those goals became achievable. She showed me the right way to make a compelling website that speaks from my heart, copywriting that expresses how I can help others, writing down contracts to protect myself and grab clients’ commitments, automated scheduling and payment, and much more.

After working with her, I made 1.5 times last year’s profit in just half a year. I am more confident in talking about my business to prospective clients. I’ve reached goals not just professionally, but also in family life. Maria is truly a safe place and a valuable growth partner.

Cindy Parwono

I don’t even know what to say about my business coach other than she is truly magical. Divinely sending love at the exact right time, saying the exact right thing and being my cheerleader when all I need is a cheerleader to keep me going. She’s great at doubling money and seeing missed opportunities. Truly grateful for her.

Breanna Warneke

I have said this more than a couple of times and I’ll say it once again, “Maria Tan is the best business coach I know and the only one I recommend.” And I have worked with A LOT  of business coaches over the past years.

Maria is about so much more than manifestation and empowerment. She taught me how to face my finances, to allocate and move around the budget for my business– something no other business coach has helped me with.

My stronger energy and clearer messaging has called in clients without the need for manipulation and fear-based marketing, and I’m finally experiencing the ease I’ve been craving in my business. There is no one else who I want to be with me on this journey other than Miracle Maria.

Jennica Collado

Working 1:1 with Maria is a DREAM. I appreciate her balance of strategy and spirituality. After our sessions, I know exactly what action steps I need to take to grow my business. Sometimes they are HARD steps, and I am so grateful for Maria’s phenomenal support in between sessions because it helps me to stay focused and keep going!

I have found that taking the risks and trying the new business strategies that Maria suggests has had huge results: I have had more movement in my business in the past few months than I have in the past year. Progress feels sustainable, and, personally, I feel my confidence as a business woman growing.

Kirsten Lee Hill
Education Consultant / Research Expert, the USA

I’ve had other coaches, but Maria is by far the best. Maria really sees you - who you are and what you are capable of.  And she really sees your business and what it needs to thrive. She’s super smart, talented, creative and insightful. She has so many brilliant ideas! And she’s not just applying some formula she learned in school - she’s creating solutions that are tailor-made for you, something that specifically works for you and your business

Pavanne Veltman

As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, with Maria's help, I found a way to structure my week and integrate my two businesses in a way that aligns with my energy: an intuitive based coaching practice with a new real estate practice. And in May the business had a record-breaking month, generating $27k.  This was huge as my first year in business, I think I made $18,000. It blew my mind.  Having Maria by my side was invaluable!

Diana Dorell Gutierrez
The Dancing Goddess

Ready to add multi-six figures to your bottom line without the drama, shiny object and burnout?

If you're done treating your business as though you're running a garage sale instead of creating a legacy, let's chat.