
Photo credit: Greg Rosenke via Unsplash

Many have this skewed belief that business is about hustling, grinding, and rushing, but let me tell you a secret: It?s not. 

Business is anything but rushing. It?s about being strategic in articulating your offers, accentuating your difference, and amplifying your message. 

Instead of hustling your butt off, engaging in ?proven? strategies that just don?t work for you, find the action steps that are aligned with your joy and your purpose.

If you prefer to create video content over written content, then record videos, go live, or do stories. 

If you like to engage with people through sending them direct messages, then do that.

If you don?t like to keep up with a half dozen social media channels, you?re very free to stick to one or two that works best for you.

If you don?t want to work on weekends, only make yourself available for meetings on weekdays.

If you know execution is where you need support, then find someone who can assist you with your day-to-day operations. 

In other words, do what feels good, and good things will happen.

Photo credit: Mark Adriane via Unsplash

You don?t HAVE to do live videos if you don?t want to. 

You don?t HAVE to post every day if you don?t want to. 

You don?t HAVE to DM 50 people a week if you don?t want to. 

You don?t HAVE to be on 5 different platforms if you don?t want to.

You don?t HAVE to work 24/7 if you don?t want to. 

Business is about being authentic to your vision, values, and voice. 

Be who you are.

Trust what you have to offer.

That?s how you monetize your magic.